Cast Aluminium Products

Aluminium is the world’s most abundant metal, third most common element and its versatility makes it the most widely used metal after steel. Worldwide demand increases year on year with ever increasing quantities being produced from recycled aluminium scrap.

The use of recycled aluminium is economically and environmentally compelling as it takes a fraction of the amount of power to remelt and recycle one tonne of used aluminium as it does to produce one tonne of virgin aluminium. There is no difference in quality between virgin and recycled aluminium alloys. All of the aluminium ingots we use at Archibald Young Ltd come from secondary smelting suppliers.

Pure aluminium is soft, ductile and has a high electrical conductivity but alloying with other elements is provides the higher strengths needed for industrial applications. Aluminium is most commonly alloyed with silicon, manganese, copper, zinc, magnesium and lithium. Trace amounts of iron, chromium, titanium, zirconium, lead, bismuth and nickel are also invariably present.

There are hundreds of cast alloy variations, with many of those in common use in foundries around the world. Our Archibald Young foundry regularly casts about half a dozen of these alloy variations but over the years our melting systems have proven adaptable enough to make up a lesser used alloy should our customer needs require it.

If you have such a project please contact us to discuss,

Aluminium Melt
LM 0 Al 99.5 150 A5
LM 2 Al-Si11Cu2Fe 46100 384 ADC 12 A-S9U3-Y4
LM 4 Al-Si5Cu3 45200 319 AC 2A A-S5U3 G-AlSi6Cu4-225
LM 5 Al-Mg5 51300 514 AC 7A AG6 G-AlSi5-244
LM 6 Al-Si12 44100 4513 AC 3A AS 13 G-AlSi12-230
LM 9 Al-Si10Mg 43100 A360 AC 4A A-S10G G-AlSi10Mg-233
LM 12 222 A-U10G
LM 13 Al-Si12CuNiMg 48000 336 AC 8A A-S12UN
LM 16 Al-Si5Cu1Mg 45300 355 AC 4D A-S4UG
LM 20 Al-Si12Cu2 47000 A413 A-S12-Y4 G-AlSi12(Cu)-231
LM 21 Al-Si6Cu4 45000 308 AC 2A A-S5U2 G-AlSi6Cu4-225
LM 22 Al-Si6Cu4 45000 319 AC 2A A-S5U G-AlSi6Cu4-225
LM 24 Al-Si9Cu3 46000 A380 AC 4B ADC10 A-S9U3A-Y4 G-AlSi8Cu3-226
LM 25 Al-Si7Mg 42000 A356 AC 4C A-S7G G-AlSi7Mg
LM 26 332 A-S7U3G
LM 27 Al-Si7Cu2 46600 AC 2B
LM 28
LM 29
LM 30 390
LM 31 Al-Zn10Si8Mg 71000 712 A-Z5G

Common use aluminium alloys and their closest international equivalents.